Power Break 2020-07-27

Event Date

July 27, 2020

Event Location


Limited Places




Event Description

Event language: english

7:00 – 7:45 PM (CEST)

Our third guest will be:

Ásgeir Gunnarsson

Power BI Governance


Reel in the Power BI Wild West In my experience many organizations start thinking Power BI governance too late. Users are already working with Power BI and used to be in the Power BI Wild West. No matter if you are starting your Power BI journey or already in the Power BI Wild West this session will help you start with Power BI governance or enhance your existing one. The session builds on a method that has four main pillars: Process Training Monitoring Roles It´s important to have a governance process in place. This process is often broken down into smaller processes and usually contains processes for Development, Publishing, Security, Naming standards and Support. If you want to have a successful Power BI implementation training is very important. You want to train everyone who touches Power BI but in a different way depending on their role. You want to make sure you get to everyone and deliver the right training based on the need. Monitoring Power BI activity and artifact inventory is one of the cornerstones of a good governance strategy and in this session, we will see what to monitory, how to monitor it and what you can do to automate the monitoring. To be successful with Power BI implementation in the long run it´s important to have well defined roles. This is most likely different from organization to organization and in some cases the same person might have more than one role. The most common roles are Power BI Administrator, Power BI Gateway Administrator, Data steward, Power BI Auditor and Power BI Supporter(s). This session talks about this method to govern your Power BI environment but we would love to hear your experience?


Speakerprofil: here

Question link: here

Event Details

Power Break! in english

You always have a lot on your mind and would like to talk about one of your favourite topics in the Power Platform area? No problem, from now on we will organize a Power Break every two weeks where you can get actively involved.
Be the one who starts the discussion or the person who critically questions the topic or just ask your questions. You can decide.
The event will last 30-45 minutes. The topic will be introduced briefly and then we will start with an exciting discussion. There will always be a small survey where you can ask your questions about the current topic in advance. These will be answered at the end of the session. For all questions that are more extensive or we, due to lack of time, do not manage to answer, we will summarize them in a short blog post afterwards.

The language of the sessions depends on the respective speaker. But we will always inform you about the language of the sessions.
We will always publish the respective topic one week before the date.
I would be very happy to hear from you on one or the other topic!


Power Break! in Deutsch

Du hast immer viel um die Ohren und würdest einfach gerne mal über einer deiner Lieblingsthemen im Bereich Power Plattform quatschen? Kein Problem wir werden ab jetzt alle zwei Wochen eine Power Break veranstalten in der du dich aktiv einbringen kannst.
Sei derjenige der die Diskussion beginnt oder die Person die das Thema kritisch hinterfragt oder einfach nur Fragen stellt. Du kannst entscheiden.
Die Veranstaltung wird 30-45 Minuten dauern. Das Thema wird kurz vorgestellt und dann fangen wir auch schon an mit einer spannenden Diskussion.
Wir werden das jeweilige Thema immer eine Woche vor den Termin veröffentlichen. Dazu wird es immer eine kleine Umfrage geben welche in welcher Ihr eure Fragen zu dem aktuellen Thema auch schon vorab stellen könnt. Diese werden dann am Ende der Session beantwortet. Für alle Fragen die umfangreicher sind oder wir, aufgrund von Zeitmangel, nicht schaffen werden im Nachgang in einem kurzen Blogbeitrag zusammen gefasst.

Die Sprache der Sessions hängt von den jeweiligen Vortragenden ab. Wir werden aber immer dazu schreiben um welche Sprache es sich handeln wird.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen euch bei dem ein oder anderen Thema zu hören!


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